
4th Annual Head to Toe Wellness Fair with Wood River Health
JUN 04, 2025/01:00 PM–04:00 PM
Location: Wilcox Park

Get Organized & Clear the Clutter: Clearing Your Way to a Brighter Summer
JUN 04, 2025/06:00 PM–07:00 PM
Location: Auditorium

Learn the Language of Ireland with Irish Coastal Club
JUN 04, 2025/06:30 PM–07:30 PM
Location: Terrace Room

Walking Tour of Wilcox Park | Native Flowers and Trees
JUN 14, 2025/10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Location: Wilcox Park

Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts | 114th Annual Juried Exhibition
JUN 18, 2025/05:00 PM–07:00 PM
Location: Hoxie Gallery

Learn the Language of Ireland with Irish Coastal Club
JUN 18, 2025/06:30 PM–07:30 PM
Location: Terrace Room

Thanksgiving Day Football: Westerly vs Stonington
JUL 07, 2025/06:00 PM–07:00 PM
Location: Auditorium

Walking Tour of Wilcox Park | Native Flowers and Trees
JUL 12, 2025/10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Location: Wilcox Park

Artist-in-Residence: Tina Hirsig Open House | Champion Trees: Roots & Branches
JUL 26, 2025/02:00 PM–04:00 PM
Location: The Cottage

Walking Tour of Wilcox Park | Native Flowers and Trees
AUG 09, 2025/10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Location: Wilcox Park

Learn the Language of Ireland with Irish Coastal Club
SEP 03, 2025/06:30 PM–07:30 PM
Location: Terrace Room