Online and local resources for older adults living in southern Rhode Island, Westerly and Southeastern Connecticut.

If you are interested in being involved in the Westerly Village - whether as a senior interested in receiving support, or a volunteer (or both!) - please email OR call (401) 441-5240.
Scam Prevention
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a valuable resource for identifying current scams and learning how to report suspicious activity.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) offers a variety of tip sheets that will help you stay safe online. Check out their website for advice about creating strong passwords and protecting your personal information.
Rhode Island’s Consumer Protection Unit is run by the Office of the Attorney General. They investigate unfair and unlawful business practices, and offer guidance on current scams and identity theft.
The AARP Fraud Resource Center provides a wealth of information on how to spot and avoid common scams. You can sign up for free “watchdog alerts” to stay informed.
If you believe you have been scammed, visit the website of the Federal Trade Commission. They provide clear, concise instructions for what to do if you gave money or personal information to a scammer.
Resources for Older Adults in RHODE ISLAND
Assisted Living in Rhode Island This website discusses various services available for seniors living in Rhode Island, outlines helpful city and state programs, and allows users to easily search for assisted living facilities in their community.
Age Friendly Westerly PSA Compilation Videos Informational videos created by Age Friendly Westerly, an initiative of non-profits and advocates committed to offereing care and resources for seniors in southern Rhode Island and making Westerly a more age-friendly place to live. The videos were filmed in Wilcox Park!
Independent Aging Services Program through Southern Rhode Island Volunteers whose goal is to make it possible for older persons, seniors and disabled adults, and Veterans to remain at home aging well in place as changes happen that may cause people to need a little bit of help to maintain independence.
Learning Your Way to a Healthy Brain Freely accessible information resources on improving and maintaining cognitive (brain) functioning and encouraging brain-healthy behaviors for Rhode Island's older population. The project is a collaboration of the James P. Adams Library at Rhode Island College and Age - Friendly Rhode Island which have teamed up to provide both a platform and presentations on brain health information resources.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Rhode Island provides learning opportunities to enhance the enjoyment, meaning, and direction of adult lives as well as the health and well-being of adults.
Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging Rhode Island’s designated state unit on aging. Connects to information and resources in the community to empower older Rhode Islanders (age 55+) and adults living with disabilities to age strong.
Westerly Senior Citizens Center Services include participation in daily and special activities, health clinics, direct services, special programs, day and overnight trips, etc. Membership is not required for many of the direct services and special activities, especially the Meal site program and those offered by the Social Services Department.
Resources for Older Adults in CONNECTICUT
Connecticut State Department of Aging and Disabilities Maximizing opportunities for the independence and well-being of people with disabilities and older adults in Connecticut.
Senior Resources Agency on Aging (CT) Senior Resources is a strong voice for the region's elderly citizens. Through our involvement at the federal, state and local level we work to enhance the quality of life for older persons. In addition to advocating legislatively, our continuing work with volunteers and citizen groups enables us to spread the word about benefits and services.