The library will be closed Saturday, March 8th for our Caddy Stacks Fundraiser.
Please join us on the 2nd Wednesday of each month to share our prepared dishes and experiences with recipes from the selected cookbook. Books will be held at Circulation three weeks before the meeting. Dishes must be ready-made (no kitchen is available for preparation) and please provide your own serving utensils.
Registration is required for this program and you must register at least one day in advance. For more information or to register please contact our Reference department at or x306.
This month, we will be preparing and sharing recipes from: "Real Irish Food: 150 Classic Recipes From the Old Country" by David Bowers.

The following recipes have already been chosen:
Irish Seafood Chowder, page 82
Sausages in Puff Pastry, page 116
Shepherd's Pie, Page 128
Chicken and Fruit Curry, page 141
Mashed Carrots and Parsnips, page 166
Cauliflower Cheese, page 172
White Scones, page 183
Barmbrack on page 195
Old-fashioned Spicy Gingerbread
Everyday Fruitcake, page 208
Creamed Rice, page 244
Lemon Curd, page 298
Onion Marmalade, page 300
Please note:
Westerly Library & Wilcox Park staff often take photos and recordings during programs and events, which may be used in publicity and marketing. If you do not wish to have your photo used, please contact a staff member to let us know and we will make every effort to honor that request.